Country Nr 7 – Senegal – visiting the beautiful yet sad island of Goree

Country 7/196: Senegal
Destination: Dakar

In comparison to Mali, Senegal is a much safer and tourist-friendly destination. Dakar is a modern city. We loved the lively atmosphere, the friendly people, and the lovely streets filled with love, music, dance, and laughter.

We took some time to visit the famous Goree Island, which is known for its stunning nature, beautiful colonial architecture, and its sad history. Visiting the world-renowned House of Slaves was a truly heartbreaking experience. 🙁

Things to see and things to do

Dakar is a lovely coastal city, known as the westernmost city of Africa and the former colonial trading post. Nowadays, it’s a modern bustling city full of wonderful sights and attractions. Some of the city’s most notable landmarks include:

  • African Renaissance Monument (the tallest statue in Africa)
  • Village des Arts or any gallery or museum (after all, Dakar is a very artistic city)
  • Goree Island
  • House of Slaves
  • Ngor Island
  • Lake Retba
  • Petite Côte

Where to stay

As Dakar is an increasingly popular tourist destination, there are lots of luxury, mid-range, budget accommodation options to be found on the internet.

Are you planning a trip to Dakar? Here you can get a room with a 10% discount!


As Senegal is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Northwestern Africa, the prices are a bit higher than in most of its neighboring countries. While local transportation is cheap and food prices are reasonable (around 16 USD/14 EUR a day), accommodation tends to be a bit more expensive.

Best time to visit

The best time to visit Senegal is during the country’s dry season (from November to May). The temperatures are very pleasant this time of year (around 25°C). From June to October, on the other hand, the temperatures tend to be high (above 30°C), and the weather is often rainy.

Environmental issues

Desertification caused by overgrazing, uncontrolled cutting of forests for fuel, and soil erosion from over-cultivation is one of the most pressing environmental concerns in Senegal. Deforestation is a major issue in itself as trees are the one natural remedy against global warming. Deforestation also causes biodiversity loss. The country’s wildlife populations are threatened by poaching and overfishing. The city of Dakar is experiencing typical urban problems, such as improper sanitation and air pollution.

Romance and adventure

Dakar and the nearby islands offer lots of romance and adventure. If you are an art lover, make sure to check out some of the city’s most popular art galleries and museums, such as the IFAN Museum of African Arts and Galerie Arte, or visit the renowned Village des Arts. Take a walk around the city absorbing the modern vibe and admiring the beautiful mosques and churches. Try some of the many tasty Senegalese dishes or have a relaxing beach day at the charming Petite Côte or Ngor Island. And make sure to visit the enchanting Goree Island, which will surely take your breath away with its peaceful vibe, colorful sights, and historic monuments.


Found lots of LOVE in Senegal. 😉 ♥

Honeymoon rating of the visited destinations: ♥♥♥

We loved Senegal and we recommend visiting this charming country.

* Note: This is NOT a general rating of the country, it is merely our personal opinion of the mentioned site(s) as honeymoon destinations, based on the level of tourism development, the number and quality of romantic and adventurous activities and sites it offers, and safety. We strongly believe that every country is beautiful in its own way, they may simply be more or less honeymoon oriented/friendly.

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