What is carbon offsetting?
Carbon offsetting means compensating for carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gas emissions arising from industrial or other human activity, by participating in schemes that allow companies, organizations, and individuals to invest in environmental projects around the world in order to balance out their carbon footprints. Some projects are designed to reduce future emissions by investing in green energy technologies, others soak up CO2 directly from the air by tree planting.
As CO2 is the main cause of global warming and since, according to scientists, we only have 12 years to prevent irreversible damage from climate change and to save the planet, we should all start taking more responsibility. Becoming carbon neutral is the best way to become more socially responsible, to fight climate change, to care for developing communities, and to protect the world’s biodiversity.

How to offset?
- Measure/calculate your carbon footprint
- Reduce your carbon footprint
- Offset any remaining carbon emissions by investing in carbon offset schemes
Measure/calculate your carbon footprint
This simple carbon footprint calculator will help you measure your carbon footprint.
Reduce your carbon footprint
- Each individual has a certain carbon footprint. In 2014, according to The World Bank, an average person with high income produced 10.9 metric tons CO2 per year, an average person with middle income produced 3.9 metric tons CO2 per year, and an average person with low income produced 0.3 metric tons CO2 per year. There are vast differences in CO2 emissions in metric tons per capita between advanced economies and the least developed countries. In 2014 Qatar had a shocking average of 43.9 metric tons CO2 per capita, in North America that number was 16.4 metric tons CO2 per capita, and in Chad, it was only 0.1. We produce carbon footprint by using electricity, by using transportation, by purchasing foreign products, and by eating meat and dairy.
Here is a list of simple ways to reduce your carbon footprint.
For individuals:
- Eat less meat and dairy. Reducing meat consumption is said to be the single most effective way to combat climate change. Agriculture takes a lot of resources and causes deforestation.
- Eat locally-produced and organic food as food production and transportation produces a lot of greenhouse gas emissions.
- Switch to clean renewable energy, such as wind, wave, and solar power, tidal, biomass, geothermal, hydroelectric, and appropriately designed nuclear energy.
- Insulate your home and office to reduce heating and air conditioning.
- Reduce your energy consumption by reducing your reliance on electronic devices (line-dry your clothes, run the dishwashers and washing machines when full, wash your car less often, reduce the number of washing machine loads, wash your dishes by hand, limit your baking to one day a week, get rid of plug-in air fresheners and other unnecessary appliances, etc).
- Invest in energy efficient electronic devices and machines. Products bearing the ENERGY STAR label are recognized for having superior efficiency.
- Switch off the lights and embrace natural light instead.
- Switch to CFL and LED bulbs, as they are much more energy efficient than the regular incandescent light bulbs.
- Unplug all electronic devices when not in use, as they keep consuming energy even if they are switched off.
- Choose eco-friendly transportation (switch to cycling, carpooling or using public transportation).
- Reduce your water consumption by purchasing water-efficient showerheads, faucet heads, toilets, dishwashers, and washing machines.
- Reduce, reuse, recycle. According to research, 29% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions result from the “provision of goods” (extraction of resources, manufacturing, transport, packaging, etc). Reducing, reusing, and recycling would reduce your carbon footprint from the “provision of goods.”
- Purchase eco-friendly products and services from eco-friendly and socially conscious vendors.
- Plant a tree or two or 159.
For travelers:
Travelers should follow all of the above. In addition, they should also try to learn how to be responsible travelers.
For hotels and other businesses:
Just like every household, every business also has a certain impact on the environment. And without that extra effort, the impact is usually more or less negative. To reduce the negative impact on the environment and the additional costs it brings, you should check out the list of general and useful steps you can take to create a sustainable brand:
Offset any remaining carbon emissions
Only after you did your best to reduce your carbon footprint, you should consider offsetting the rest. This way you can take full responsibility for your carbon pollution and make your contribution to the fight against climate change.
Luckily, we’re here to help. We are currently on a mission to travel the world and to plant as many trees as possible to offset our own carbon footprint and the carbon footprint of our supporting partners – smaller and larger international companies that want to become more socially responsible. Do you want to become one of those socially responsible/eco-friendly companies?
As we have partnered up with many experts in tree planting and carbon offsetting, we will plant trees wherever and whenever recommended to ensure the maximum survival rate of the trees. With the help of leading experts, we will do it skillfully and transparently and we will make sure that the trees are taken care of in the best way possible even after we leave the country. Moreover, we are planning to visit some of the places, where deforestation is a serious issue and where planting trees will not only help fight global warming but also prevent hunger from destroying entire communities.
CALCULATION of carbon footprint: | |
Carbon offsets from trees | Approximation of CO2 emissions of a car |
An average tree absorbs up to 22 kg CO2 per year in 45 years = 990kg CO2 lifetime offset per tree The average lifespan of the trees we plant is 45 years. This is a conservative estimate, many trees have been living for hundreds of years. | Someone who drives 10.000 km per year on average, emits 2.200kg CO2 per year (the average car emits 0.22kg CO2 per km). Therefore two trees could offset the carbon footprint of one car driving 10.000 km per year. |