As you may or may not already know, we are planning to take a trip around the world in an attempt to travel to all 196 sovereign nations. We will promote love, peace, and sustainability. Read more about project 196xLOVE here.
First, we will visit all 54 independent countries in Africa. We will only have time to visit one destination in each country. Depending on the limited and changing transportation and accommodation options we will have to choose the exact destinations later on, but for now, let us announce the ‘finalists’.
Algeria: Algiers
Angola: Luanda, Kwanza river, and a daily tour to Kissama National Park
Benin: Porto-Novo, Cotonou, and Ouidah (Temple des Pythons, Porte du Non Retour)
Botswana: Kasane
Burkina Faso: Ouagadougou
Burundi: Bujumbura
Cabo Verde: Sal Island
Cameroon: Kribi, Chutes de la Lobé, Mount Cameroon
Central African Republic: Bangui and Boali waterfalls (Chûtes de Boali)
Chad: N’Djamena
Comoros: Grande Comore island (Moroni, Chomoni Beach, and Bouni beach)
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Virunga National Park (gorillas) and Mount Nyiragongo (volcano)
Republic of the Congo: Brazzaville and Lesio-Louna Wildlife Reserve
Cote d’Ivoire: Abidjan, Grand-Bassam, Assinie, and Jacqueville
Djibouti: Djibouti and Lake Assal
Egypt: Cairo and the Great Pyramid of Giza
Equatorial Guinea: Bioko island (Malabo, Luba, Moka, and San Antonia de Ureca)
Eritrea: Asmara and Massawa
Ethiopia: Danakil depression and Erta Ale volcano
Gabon: Libreville
Gambia: Banjul
Ghana: Accra
Guinea: Conakry and Îles de Los
Guinea-Bissau: Bissau
Kenya: Nairobi and Amboseli National Park
Lesotho: Tsehlanyane National Park, Semonkong, and Maletsunyane Waterfall
Liberia: Monrovia, Wulki farms, and Monkey Island
Libya: Tripoli and Leptis Magna
Madagascar: Antananarivo, Baobab Avenue Morondava, Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park
Malawi: Lilongwe and Monkey Bay – Lake Malawi or Liwonde National Park
Mali: Bamako
Mauritania: Nouakchott
Mauritius: Port Louis and Chamarel
Morocco: Casablanca or Marrakech
Mozambique: Maputo and Inhaca Island
Namibia: Windhoek and Sossusvlei
Niger: Niamey
Nigeria: Abuja and Lagos
Rwanda: Kigali
Sao Tome and Principe: São Tomé
Senegal: Dakar
Seychelles: Praslin Island (Anse Lazio beach, Valle de Mai) and La Digue Island.
Sierra Leone: Freetown, River No 2 Beach, and Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary.
Somalia: Hargeisa
South Africa: Cape town (Chapman’s Peak Drive and Table Mountain)
South Sudan: Juba
Sudan: Khartoum and Meroë
Swaziland: Lobamba, Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary, and Mantenga Nature Reserve&Cultural village
Tanzania: Zanzibar Island
Togo: Lomé and Kpalimé
Tunisia: Tunis and El Djem Amphitheatre
Uganda: Kampala
Zambia: Livingstone, Victoria Falls, and Devil’s Pool
Zimbabwe: Victoria Falls and maybe Hwange National Park
What do you think? Do you agree with our list? You are more than welcome to add your suggestions in the comment section below and thus help us pick the final selection.
Živjo, super plan. Želim prijetno potovanje. Predlagam le, da preverita stanje v NP Virunga. Po mojih zadnjih podatkih je park zaprt. LP, Matjaž
Živjo, Matjaž! Najlepša hvala za lepe želje in za nasvet!!
Bova vsekakor preverila in drživa pesti, da bo v času najinega obiska odprt – Virunge se namreč res veseliva! Hvala še enkrat! Pa lep dan! 
Matjaž, naj se ti še enkrat zahvaliva za opozorilo glede parka Virunga. Tvoji podatki so točni. Na zadnje sva bila na vezi s parkom v maju – ravno v dneh pred incidentom. V odgovoru, ki sva ga zelo ažurno prejela danes pravijo, da je vodja parka uradno do konca leta zaprl park. Če bo pri tej odločitvi ostalo, ga na žalost ne bova morala obiskati. Upajmo, da se ta odločitev spremeni … Vsekakor pa je boljše ne iti kot pa doživeti to, kar so dali skozi obiskovalci parka 11. maja.
Wow you really done your research well and have come up with a good list, I would want to go to some of the places. However, some of the countries still experience civil war and you have to be very careful when travelling there. Most African countries listed are very good hosts with very friendly people, but some places might turn out to be hostile especially to foreigners.
All in all best of luck as you plan to achieve your dream and travelling goals.
Hey, Anita!
Thank you for good wishes and the warnings. We’ll do our best to keep us safe on every step of the way. Stay around.
Wow, that is amazing that you are able to do that! I am happy for you! What an exciting feat and something you should be very proud of. I only wish my spouse and I could do the same. Any helpful tips you can give us for taking such a journey?
It’s definitely not for everyone.
There is a lot of hard work behind it all, a lot more than most are willing to put in. However, if you believe that this is something you’d like to do, just go for it. Start by taking photos, videos, blogging and try to be original … However, there is no guaranty in this line of work.
Moreover, we are basically just starting our selves, so we are still learning. 
Hello Matic,
I’ve been to Mauritius for my honeymoon. I liked the island a lot, it is very beautiful and very relaxing. I’ve been mostly on the west coast (Port Louis, Grand Baie, Flic en Flac).
I do think though, that the whole of the island is a great honeymoon place and there are resorts throughout the coasts of the island.
Thanks for a very detailed list.
Hey there, Marios!
You’re more than welcome. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
Stay in touch
Off you gooooo!
We will wait for you with open arms and congrats for new record!
Good luck.
Thank you! We’ll definitely need it.