Country Nr 43 – Romania – New Year in Bucharest and visiting Count Dracula

Country 43/196: Romania
Destinations: Bucharest, Brasov, Bran

Romania is a unique and mysterious country. It’s known for its charming old cities, rugged countryside, medieval castles, the famous Carpathian mountains, and the infamous fictional characters.

Things to see and things to do


Bucharest is well known for its awesome nightlife and party people, therefore we decided to visit Romania’s vibrant capital for new year’s. The verdict? It was a great decision! The main celebration was held on Constitution Square in the center of the city, but there were countless parties all over the city. The old city center was full of music, joy, and excited people from all over the world. We had a blast! 🙂

On the next day, we went sightseeing. Here are some of the most popular attractions in Bucharest :

– The Old Town

The historic center of the city features some of the most iconic historical monuments, beautiful architecture, stylish restaurants, bohemian cafes, and amazing nightlife. A walk through the historic center is a must-do in Bucharest.

– Palace of the Parliament

The pompous Palace of the Parliament is the third largest administrative building in the world and interestingly enough the heaviest building on Earth.

– “Dimitrie Gusti” National Village Museum

The “Dimitrie Gusti” National Village Museum is an open-air ethnographic museum showcasing the traditional Romanian rural life.

– King Michael I Park

King Michael I Park is a large park in Bucharest, known for numerous cafes, restaurants, gardens, a big lake, which offers lots of water sports adventures, romantic pathways, and countless beautiful sights.

– Arcul de Triumf

The Arch Of Triumph is another historical landmark. The original, wooden arch was built in 1878 to commemorate Romanian independence.

For us, 2019 started pretty great, considering the fact that we were staying at the beautiful Hilton Garden Inn hotel. This super comfortable modern 4-star hotel in the heart of the historical center convinced us with its clean spacious rooms, exceptionally friendly staff, cool restaurant, tasty food, and relaxed vibe. The Hilton Garden Inn might be the most romantic stay in Bucharest.


Brasov is an old picturesque city in central Romania. It is known for its beautiful medieval architecture, lovely natural surroundings, and countless other amazing sights. In December, the romantic Council Square, located in the historic center of Brasov features a vibrant Christmas market, which makes the city even more irresistible. 😉


Near Brasov, there is a small village of Bran, which is home to the famous medieval Bran Castle. Bran Castle might be the most iconic attraction in Romania, mostly due to the fact, that it resembles the home of Count Dracula in Bram Stoker’s novel, and that it was once besieged by Vlad the Impaler (also known as Vlad Dracula), which might have been the model for Stoker’s fictional character.

Dear Romania, thank you for all the fun, your hospitality, and the many beautiful sights! Wishing you LOVE and PEACE! ♥

Where to stay

There are numerous luxurious, mid-range, and budget accommodation options to be found throughout Romania.

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Prices in Romania are generally reasonable. If you are planning to travel on a low budget, expect to spend around 47 USD (40 EUR) a day. Food prices vary between cities and restaurants, however, in general, the prices are pretty low. Accommodation prices start at 17 USD (14 EUR) a night. Public transportation is rather cheap and reliable throughout the country.

Best time to visit

The best time to visit Romania is from May to September. The temperatures are pleasant this time of year. If you wish to avoid the peak season during the summer months, consider visiting the country in late spring or early autumn.

Environmental issues

Romania is currently dealing with the local impacts of climate change and extreme weather conditions, such as increasingly common floods, desertification, and more powerful tornadoes. Industrial pollution represents another significant threat. Untreated industrial wastewaters often end up in the Danube river, which makes the water in the area unsafe for drinking and damages river ecosystems. Coal is still one of the main sources of energy in Romania, which results in high levels of greenhouse gas and acid rain, damaging the local environment. Moreover, inadequate farming practices have led to severe soil deterioration and erosion.

On the other hand, Romania has already started investing in clean energy, such as solar, wind, and hydro energy sources and the country has one of the largest undisturbed forest areas in the world, which is great for their rich biodiversity.

Romance and adventure

Romania is a beautiful country that offers lots of romantic sights and adventures. You can admire the spectacular architecture of the cities, explore the majestic mountains, relax on the coast of the Balck Sea, or visit some of the country’s most iconic castles.


Found lots of LOVE in Romania. 😉 ♥

Honeymoon rating of the visited destinations: ♥♥♥

Romania offers great nightlife, beautiful architecture, and rich history.

* Note: This is NOT a general rating of the country, it is merely our personal opinion of the mentioned site(s) as honeymoon destinations, based on the level of tourism development, the number and quality of romantic and adventurous activities and sites it offers, and safety. We strongly believe that every country is beautiful in its own way, they may simply be more or less honeymoon oriented/friendly.

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