Country Nr 28 – Egypt – desert nights overlooking the majestic Giza Pyramids, a cruise on the Nile, and Egyptian feteer

Country 28/196: Egypt
Destinations: Giza and Cairo

Spent the last ten days in Egypt and we LOVED IT! In Giza, we were staying at the amazing Marvel Stone Hotel, which offers the best view of the majestic pyramids. Afterward, we stayed in Downtown Cairo for a couple of days. We used the time to enjoy the vibrant city’s countless beautiful sights, to visit some of the most notable landmarks and shows, and to try as many local delicacies as possible. Moreover, we met some of the nicest people here, and together we managed to plant some trees.

Things to see and things to do

Must-dos when near Cairo:

  • Visit the majestic pyramids in Giza.
  • Visit the Pyramid of Djoser
  • Catch a pyramid sound and light show.
  • Visit the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
  • Visit the Hanging Church.
  • Admire the view from the Cairo Tower.
  • Enjoy a delicious Egyptian Feteer.
  • Relax in the amazing Al-Azhar park.
  • Visit the beautiful Cairo Citadel.
  • Catch a Tanoura dance show at Wekalet El Ghouri Arts Center.
  • Take a Nile River cruise.

Egypt, forever in our hearts! Thank you! 🙂

Where to stay

As mentioned above, in Giza, we were staying at the stunning Marvel Stone Hotel. We loved the comfortable room, the amazing rooftop meals, and the spectacular view of the pyramids. In downtown Cairo, we were staying in one of the many inexpensive yet cozy hostels.

Are you planning a trip to Giza/Cairo? Here you can get a room with a 10% discount! 🙂


If you are planning to take the most comfortable and pricey tours and to stay in luxurious resorts, your stay in Egypt will be rather expensive. However, if you are willing to choose budget accommodation, eat like a local, and travel with public means of transportation, you will find Egypt to be a very affordable destination (30 USD/26 EUR a day).

Best time to visit

The best time to visit Egypt is between October and April. The temperatures are a bit cooler and the weather is dry this time of year.

Environmental issues

Egypt’s main environmental problems include water scarcity, desertification, air pollution, animal welfare issues, and inadequate waste management. The loss of agricultural lands due to desertification and urbanization is also a major problem. Increased soil salinity has caused severe soil degradation and the spread of waterborne diseases. Water pollution from oil, agricultural pesticides, raw sewage, and industrial wastewaters is threatening coral reefs and other marine and coastal ecosystems. Due to centuries of human habitation in the Nile Valley, various animal species are endangered.

In Egypt, we have partnered up with Shagrha, an environmental initiative, teaching people about sustainability, recycling, and reforestation. We have joined their herb planting event, and the next week, we organized a tree planting event at a local school together. Teaching children about the importance of trees and planting new life in their backyard was one of the most wonderful and rewarding experiences so far. As we mostly planted fruit trees, the children will not only enjoy the cool shade, but also the sweet fruit.

Romance and adventure

Egypt may be one of the best honeymoon destinations in the world. You can visit the spectacular pyramids or other archeological sites, take a cruise on the Nile, or have a romantic yet adventurous beach holiday in Hurghada, Sharm El-Sheikh, Marsa Alam, Naama Bay, Dahab Lagoon, El Gouna, Alexandria, or Taba, where you can go diving, swimming, or snorkeling. Soak up the majestic culture, try the tasty local cuisine, and explore the desert. Enjoy!


Found lots of LOVE in Egypt. 😉 ♥

Honeymoon rating of the visited destinations: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Egypt is one of those amazing countries that offers almost everything – lovely beaches, the great desert, amazing architecture, and not to mention the majestic pyramids. Egypt truly is a great honeymoon destination! ♥

* Note: This is NOT a general rating of the country, it is merely our personal opinion of the mentioned site(s) as honeymoon destinations, based on the level of tourism development, the number and quality of romantic and adventurous activities and sites it offers, and safety. We strongly believe that every country is beautiful in its own way, they may simply be more or less honeymoon oriented/friendly.

** Follow the journey on Instagram. 😉 There you can see our clean-up stories and check out our peace and sustainable tourism promo photos/videos. 😉

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