Country Nr 26 – Eritrea – visiting the relaxed, romantic, Italian-African Asmara

Country 26/196: Eritrea
Destination: Asmara
Eritrea is called ‘the North Korea of Africa’. It is ruled by a totalitarian government that has little regard for human rights. It is one of the least visited countries in the world. However, our experience didn’t reflect the facts listed above – at all. We visited the country’s capital and we had a great time. Asmara is just…wow! It’s nothing like any other African city we’ve been to. It’s more like a romantic Italian city really. Italian architecture, Italian food (as well as tasty Eritrean food), laid-back vibe, beautiful nature, stunning views, and the nicest people ever! It’s one of the most relaxed places on Earth (the lack of Wi-Fi may be a contributing factor) and we loved it for that! ♥

Things to see and things to do

Eritrea is a relatively small country on the northeastern coast of Africa. Its most visited destinations include the laid-back coastal town of Massawa, Senafe, Dahlak Marine National Park, Qohaito, Filfil, Dankalia, Keren, and the uniquely diverse capital city – Asmara. Below is a list of Asmara’s top attractions.

  • Cathedral Our Lady of the Rosary
  • Enda Mariam Orthodox Cathedral
  • Medebar Market
  • Fiat Tagliero
  • Khulafa al-Rashidun Mosque
  • National Museum of Eritrea
If you ever decide to visit Asmara (which you definitely should), make sure to contact the Asmara Grande Travel and Tour Services. The director (Mr. Tekeste) is the friendliest and possibly the most awesome man we’ve ever had the pleasure to meet.
Eritrea, we will forever be grateful!!! Wishing you love and peace and really all the best!

Where to stay

Asmara may not have a huge number of hotels, but it can easily accommodate both visitors traveling on a big budget and the ones traveling on a tight one.

Are you planning a trip to Asmara? Here you can get a room with a 10% discount!


Eritrea is a relatively expensive travel destination. Accommodation prices tend to be high (even though cheap options can be found), food is more expensive than in most other African countries, and tours can also be quite pricey, mostly due to the shortage of travel agencies and tour operators. Public transportation, on the other hand, is considerably cheap and reliable.

Best time to visit

The best time to travel to Eritrea is during the winter (from November to February). This time of year the temperatures are a bit cooler and the weather is dry.

Environmental issues

As deforestation is one of the most pressing environmental concerns in Eritrea, we have partnered up with the Ministry of Agriculture, and we helped them plant some trees just outside of Asmara. Tree planting is a great way to combat desertification – another major problem in Eritrea. Other environmental challenges include soil erosion, overgrazing, and consequently hunger.

Romance and adventure

Eritrea offers countless romantic sight and unforgettable adventures. You can enjoy the architecture or soak up the unique culture in Asmara; you can have a relaxed holiday in Massawa; or perhaps you would like to go hiking or diving in Dahlak Marine National Park, where you will experience great marine biodiversity.


Found lots of LOVE in Eritrea. 😉 ♥

Honeymoon rating of the visited destinations: ♥♥♥♥♥

Eritrea really surprised us with its super laid-back vibe, great food, beautiful architecture, and other romantic sights. A honeymoon in Eritrea may be a wonderful idea. 🙂

* Note: This is NOT a general rating of the country, it is merely our personal opinion of the mentioned site(s) as honeymoon destinations, based on the level of tourism development, the number and quality of romantic and adventurous activities and sites it offers, and safety. We strongly believe that every country is beautiful in its own way, they may simply be more or less honeymoon oriented/friendly.

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