Home sweet home ♥


Planet Earth is a breathtaking place. Every little bit of it is so very unique and special, every corner is to be cherished and loved. Life is short and we strongly believe that we should do our best to visit as many different countries and landscapes as possible. It’s only a matter of priorities, hard work and determination. But sometimes it really is impossible to just pack our bags and leave. Life comes in the way – our jobs, relatives, children, money issues etc. That is the time when we should value the tiny part of the world that we...

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Ljubo doma ♥


Planet Zemlja je čudovit kraj. Vsak njegov delček je edinstven in poseben, vsak kotiček je treba ceniti in ljubiti. Življenje je kratko in prepričana sva, da moramo čas, ki nam je dan, izkoristiti, da obiščemo čim več krajev tega sveta. V bistvu gre le za vprašanje prioritet in trdega dela. A včasih je resnično nemogoče kar spakirati kovčke in se podati v svet. Služba, družina in finance nam prekrižajo načrte. In ko pride do tega, moramo znati ceniti kraj pod soncem, ki mu pravimo dom. 'Sreča ni imeti tisto, kar si želiš, temveč želeti tisto, kar imaš.' - Rabbi Hyman Schachtel Vsak...

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